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Wednesday, February 29, 2012

تاريخ صهريج بازيليك

تاريخ صهريج بازيليك

"مسلم يدخل باحة منزله، في الدرجة الأخيرة من سلم في الظلام، وتهدئة حتى النهاية وأنا معروف كيف أن الناس في اسطنبول من قبل الإمبراطورية البيزنطية تحت قباب كبيرة من صهريج بازيليك العثور عليها.

زيادة الرعب من الظلام مكان حتى أكثر استنارة لوضع مع المياه الخفيفة، ونيلي اللون الأخضر، والأرض يختفي تحت القباب، والمياه تتسرب عبر الجدران وكل جانب مشرقة، مثل جذوع الأشجار في الغابة مجردة تقف في الأمامي من العين يكشف عن أمر غامض من الأعمدة لا ينضب. "

Edmando دي Amicis

وقد بنيت في منتصف شبه الجزيرة التاريخية وكاتدرائية الصهريج، الإمبراطور البيزنطي جستنيان في م 542 (527-565) من قبل القصر الكبير، لتلبية احتياجاتها من المياه. نظرا لارتفاع الماء، وعظمة من الأعمدة الرخامية في قصر تحت الأرض، وتسمى أيضا من قبل الجمهور. مصادر أجنبية، بازيليك (كاتدرائية)، فمن زعم ​​أن Ilius يقع Basilikası'ndan اسم قرب الخزان.

كاتدرائية الحوض، وهو مبنى ضخم على مساحة M2 9800. هنا، وهناك 336 أعمدة، كل 9 أمتار عالية. اقيمت هذه الأعمدة على فترات زمنية معينة، وأيضا تؤدي إلى 12 28 وحدة في كل صف. هذه الأعمدة من ارتفاع منسوب المياه في غابة واسعة، وتذكر الزائرين للصهريج كما يؤثر في وقت قريب.

ويستخدم الركن الشمالي الغربي من الخزان كقاعدة تحت العمودين في 2 ميدوسا هي واحدة من روائع فن النحت الروماني. وتقوم العديد من الأساطير حول الأساطير من هذا Medusa'yla صهريج يجعلها أكثر غموضا. وفقا لأسطورة عالم الجريمة الوحش ميدوسا الإناث هي واحدة من Gorgonadan الثلاثة. هذا أمر إيجابي، وثلاث شقيقات له فقط ميدوسا وزراء yılanbaşlı لديها القدرة على اللجوء إلى حجر. في ذلك الوقت، في مواقع محددة في المباني الكبيرة واللوحات والمنحوتات من رؤساء Gorgona يتم وضعها من أجل حماية من الشر، وهذه الفكرة من ميدوسا وضعت من المفترض هنا. وفقا لآخر الشائعات تفاخر ميدوسا العيون السوداء والشعر الطويل وفتاة لطيفة مع الجسم. رأس الغول، ابن زيوس يحب لفترة طويلة. ميدوسا بواسطة رأس الغول، والحب والغيرة من أثينا في هذه الأثناء. للقيام بذلك، أثينا، شعر ميدوسا، ويضع شكل رهيب من الثعابين. الآن الذي ينظر إلى ميدوسا، واحدة من قطع الحجر يبدو. ثم، فرساوس خفض الحماس عندما شاهدت هذا الشكل في رأس büyülendiğini عقل ميدوسا،، اختار رأسه تحول إلى أعداء حجر كسب العديد من المعارك. بعد هذا قال ميدوسا vakıadan، وبيزنطة سابقا، والجانب المقابل لقواعد الأعمدة والتعامل معها kabzalarına السيف.

وقد تم تجديد الخزان تأسيس عدة حتى يومنا هذا. تم ترميم الخزان مرتين في إصلاح الأولى من العهد العثماني الثالث الإمبراطورية. بنيت احمد وقت (1723) من قبل المهندس المعماري محمد أغا من قيصري. السلطان عبد الحميد الثاني هو إصلاح الثانية. وكان عبد الحميد الثاني (1876-1909) في الوقت المناسب. فتحت فترة الجمهوري، وصهريج تنظيف من قبل بلدية اسطنبول في عام 1987، إلى الجمهور عن طريق جعل رحلة الى منصة. مرة أخرى في مايو 1994 كان التنظيف والصيانة الكبرى.

رحلة الى اسطنبول هي جزء لا يتجزأ من هذه البرامج الفضائية غامضة حتى الآن، ورئيس الوزراء الهولندي ويم Kok'a عقد الرئيس الاميركي السابق بيل كلينتون، سابق الخارجية الايطالي لامبرتو الدين وزير، رئيس وزراء السويد السابق، و "النمسا رئيس الوزراء السابق غوران بيرسون كان توماس كليستل "لكثير من الناس نزيل.

حاليا، فإن بلدية اسطنبول الثقافة الفرعية التي تديرها شركة الحوض كاتدرائية ومتحف يستضيف العديد من الأنشطة إلى جانب كونه وطنية ودولية.

История Цистерна Базилика

История Цистерна Базилика

"Мусульманин выходит во двор своего дома, последняя ступень лестницы в темноте и сырости вниз до конца, и я знал, как люди из Стамбула в Византийской империи под большим купола Цистерна Базилика найти.

Увеличение ужас темноты еще более просвещенные места на место с легким индиго цвета, зеленоватые воды, земли исчезает под куполами, вода просочилась сквозь стены, и каждая сторона блестящая, как обрезать стволы деревьев в лесу, стоит перед глазами показывает смутное порядок столбцов неисчерпаемый ".

Edmando De Amicis

В центре исторического полуострова и Цистерна Базилика, византийский император в 542 г. н.э. Юстиниан (527-565) от Большого дворца, была построена для удовлетворения потребностей в воде. В связи с повышением воды, великолепие мраморных колонн в подземный дворец, называемый также общественности. Иностранных источников, базилика (базилика), он утверждал, что имя Basilikası'ndan Ilius вблизи цистерны.

Цистерна Базилика, огромное здание площадью 9800 м2. Здесь имеются 336 колонн, каждая высотой 9 метров. Эти колонны установлен через определенные промежутки времени, а также приводить к от 12 до 28 единиц в каждой строке. Эти колонны из воды, поднимающейся в огромном лесу, и имеет цистерну, как только влияет на запоминание.

Северо-западной части цистерны используются в качестве основы под двумя колоннами в два Медузы является одним из шедевров римского искусства скульптуры. Многие легенды основаны на мифологии эта цистерна Medusa'yla делает его еще более загадочным. Согласно мифу о женской чудовище Медузу преступного мира является одним из трех Gorgonadan. Это является положительным, и три его сестры только Медуза yılanbaşlı министры имеют право обратиться в камень. В то время, в определенных местах в больших зданиях и картины и скульптуры из руководителей Горгона помещается в целях защиты от зла, и эта идея Медузы якобы размещены здесь. По другой слух Медузы черные глаза, длинные волосы и девушка с красивым телом хвастался. Персей, сын Зевса любит в течение длительного времени. Медузы Персей, любовь и завидует Афины в настоящее время. Чтобы сделать это, Афины, волосы Медузы, ставит страшный вид змей. Теперь, кто смотрит на Медузу, один из тесаного камня выглядит. Потом, когда я увидел этот формат в виду büyülendiğini головы Медузы, Персей сокращения энтузиазм, взяла его голову обратиться к каменной врагов выиграть много сражений. После этого vakıadan Медузы, бывший Византии, и в сторону, противоположную колонку базы и обработки меч kabzalarına сказал.

Цистерна была отремонтирована несколько основания и по сей день. Цистерна была восстановлена ​​дважды в первом ремонт Османской империи периода III. Ахмет время (1723 г.) был построен по проекту архитектора Мехмет Ага Кайсери. Султан Абдулхамид II является вторым ремонта. Абдулхамида II (1876-1909) было своевременным. Республиканский период, а также цистерны очищаются муниципалитетом Стамбула в 1987 году, открыт для публики, делая поездку на платформу. Снова в мае 1994 года основной чистки и обслуживания.

Поездка в Стамбул является неотъемлемой частью этого загадочного космических программ на сегодняшний день премьер-министр Голландии Вим Kok'a проводить бывший президент США Билл Клинтон, бывший министр иностранных дел Италии Ламберто религии, бывший премьер-министр Швеции, Австрии бывшего премьер-министра Йорана Persson'a Томас Клестиль " для многих людей был гостем.

В настоящее время муниципалитет Стамбула митрополит культуры Инк филиал управляется Цистерна Базилика, музей проводит множество мероприятий помимо того, что национальные и международные.

History of the Basilica Cistern

History of the Basilica Cistern

"A Muslim is entering the courtyard of his house, the last rung of a ladder in the dark and damp down until the end and I known how the people of Istanbul by the Byzantine Empire under the great domes of the Basilica Cistern find.

Increase the horror of the darkness even more enlightened place to place with a light indigo-colored, greenish waters, the land disappears under the domes, water leaked through the walls and each side is shining, like a pruned tree trunks in the forest standing in front of the eye reveals a vague order of columns inexhaustible. "

Edmando De Amicis

In the middle of the historical peninsula and the Basilica Cistern, Byzantine Emperor in 542 AD Justinian (527-565) by the Grand Palace, was built to meet the water needs. Due to the rising of the water, the grandeur of the marble columns in the Underground Palace, also called by the public. Foreign sources, the Basilica (Basilica), it is claimed that the name Basilikası'ndan Ilius located near the cistern.

The Basilica Cistern, a huge building covering an area of ​​9800 m2. Here, there are 336 columns, each 9 meters high. These columns erected at certain intervals, also give rise to 12 to 28 units in each row. These columns of water rising in a vast forest, and visitors to the cistern as soon affects remembering.

The northwest corner of the cistern is used as the base under the two columns per two Medusa is one of the masterpieces of Roman art of sculpture. Many legends are based on the mythology of this cistern Medusa'yla makes it even more mysterious. According to a myth of the female monster Medusa underworld is one of the three Gorgonadan. This is positive, and his three sisters only Medusa yılanbaşlı ministers have the power to turn to stone. At that time, to specific locations in large buildings and paintings and sculptures of the heads of Gorgona is placed in order to protect from evil, and this idea of ​​Medusa supposedly placed here. According to another rumor Medusa black eyes, long hair and a girl with nice body boasted. Perseus, son of Zeus loves for a long time. Medusa by Perseus, and love and jealous of Athene in the meantime. To do this, Athene, Medusa's hair, puts a terrible form of snakes. Now who looks at Medusa, one of stone cut looks. Then, when I saw this format in mind büyülendiğini head of Medusa, Perseus cuts enthusiasm, picked his head turning to stone enemies win many battles. After this vakıadan Medusa, the former Byzantium, and the side opposite the column bases and handled sword kabzalarına said.

The cistern has been renovated several founding to the present day. The cistern was restored twice in the first repair of the Ottoman Empire period III. Ahmet time (1723) was built by architect Mehmet Agha of Kayseri. Sultan Abdulhamid II is the second repair. Abdulhamid II (1876-1909) was timely. Republican period, and the cistern cleaned by the Istanbul Municipality in 1987, opened to the public by making a trip to the platform. Again in May 1994 was a major cleaning and maintenance.

Trip to Istanbul is an integral part of this mysterious space programs to date, Dutch Prime Minister Wim Kok'a hold former U.S. President Bill Clinton, former Italian Foreign Minister Lamberto religion, former Prime Minister of Sweden, and Austria's former Prime Minister Göran Persson'a Thomas Klestil ' to many people was a guest.

Currently, the Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality Culture Inc. subsidiary operated by the Basilica Cistern, the museum hosts many activities besides being a national and international.

Turkey Denizli Tourism Promotion Information

pine grove pine grove wedding hall wedding hall denizli introductory presentation of the city of Denizli presentation
Area: 11.868 km ²

Population: 750 882 (1990)

Traffic Code: 20

Denizli famous with roosters, has rich history and culture. Denizli, Hierapolis, and Laodicea, Tripolis, antic cities, hot springs and around the world with its travertines of Pamukkale which is unique and must-see for tourists.


Districts of Denizli; Acipayam, Akkoy, Babadag, broad beans, Bekilli, Beyağac, Booth, Buldan, Play, Camel, Arbour, Çivril, South, Ho, Castle, Sarayköy, and rocks with Serinhisar.

Beyağac: 94 km from the city center. is located at a distance south of the province. With its natural beauty, the way to becoming an important tourism center in the future. Known as Eagle Lake is well worth seeing the natural beauty black pines in the region who are 1265'i ages. The status of these trees were rare and monumental trees, the region was declared as a Natural Park Conservation area.

Buldan in Denizli 46 km from the city center. District boundaries are spectacular residential center Tripolis.

South: 5 miles south of the district. located away from the South Falls.

Ho: The highest point in the Aegean region, the town gives its name to the 2571-meter summit of Mount peak in Ho.

Sarayköy: 20 km from the center of Denizli. is. Kizildere nearby, Tekke, is spas Yenice. In the bath spas are also within the boundaries of the district.

Spas in Denizli
Name and location of the springs
Jaundice healing Water / Yeşilyaka-Çivril
Acısu Ilıcası / Özdemirci Town-Çivril
Bölmekaya Mineral / Bölmekaya Village-Buldan
Buldan Mineral / Buldan
Speedwell Spring / Goncalı Village - Denizli
Boots Thermal / Yenicekent-Buldan
Cukurbag Ilıcası / Pamukkale-Denizli Ksb.
Demirtas Ilıcası / Tekke Village-Sarayköy
Natural Spring Water / Çaybaşı Mah.-Buldan
Şanlıalp Gölemezli Spa / Akköy November-Denizli
Gölemezli Spa / Akköy November-Denizli
Gözpınarı Ilıcası / Akköy November-Denizli
Hamamcık Ilıcası / Pamukkale-Denizli Ksb.sı
Sinkhole Heydar Ilıcası / Kaklık-Ho
Ilıcataşı Ilıcası / Beylerli Ksb.-Çardak
İNALTI Spa / Tekke Village-Sarayköy
Bubacık Spa / Kızıldere
Hot Springs Cabin / Yenicekent-Buldan
Karahayıt Spa / Katrahayıt kas.Denizli
Karsiyaka Ilıcası / Yenicekent-Buldan
Kavakbaşı Ilıcası / Akköy November-Denizli
Kizildere Spa / Kızıldere
Kızılharman Ilıcası / devel-Akköy
Thermal Springs of Pamukkale / Denizli Pamukkale Ruins
ş.Tepesi Spa / Sarayköy November-Denizli
Tekkeköy Spas / Sarayköy
Healing Gerence Water / Narli Village-Kale
Healing Kuşkoru Water / Hisar Village-Sarayköy

 Pamukkale University,
Pamukkale University,

Foundation of the University of Pamukkale occurs with Law No. 3837 dated July 3, 1992. Organizational structure of the six faculties prescribed by this Law, which took place on 5 November 1992 Rector bulunmaktadir.10 colleges and three institutions with the assignment, until such date that education of Dokuz Eylul University Faculty of Medicine, Engineering and Education and vocational schools, two faculties and two In case of higher education have begun to offer under the name of Pamukkale University. Today, Pamukkale University, six faculty, eight colleges and three Institutes of the normal and the second teaching programs of education, research, consultancy and carries out functions of the application.

Kınıklı Campus, summerhouse Campus, Campus İncipınar etketedir to continue his education with three campuses.

Higher Education Credit and Hostels Institution housing needs of our students due to student dormitories with a total capacity of 4150 students are met. There are 3 girls 2 boys dormitory on the campus Kınıklı. 4150 for a total of 1550 male and 2600 female students verilmektedir.Yurtlarda serve breakfast, lunch and dinner service is provided. Providing services for students accommodated on campus in the canteen-cafeteria building 4000 square meters are available and able to eat at the same time 2500 student dining hall, dining room, billiard room, hairdresser, barber, photocopying, tailors, shoe repair shop and has been serving students with laundry. In addition, each block is available under the canteen, food prices 3 20% applied to missing class restaurant prices. Vocational School and the School of Health Çivril Kadir Çivril Kameroğlu housing services provided by the university's students benefit from 75 students.

Central cafeteria meals prepared by students of the university rector nutritional needs are met. In addition, students in our schools in our district lunch, the students residing in dorms breakfast, lunch and dinner services are provided. Dining Hall every weekday from 11:30 to 13:30 between the hours of serving. Are four kinds of food every day. Except for the selection of foods and nutrition content of the meals contribute to the dieticians yararlanılmaktadır.Öğrencilerin canteen in the morning 7:00 to 9 from 23:00 the evening to serve up.

Medico-Social Center of the university students and staff are the health services. On the basis of family medicine outpatient services, emergency intervention, dressing, laboratory services, as well as minor surgical interventions performed in this center. Medico-Social Center, 7 physicians, 7 dentists, 4 nurses, 1 psychologist, 1 social worker, a biologist and two administrative personnel and services are provided. 08:00 to 17:00 on weekdays between the hours of service provided and we see two pieces of medical-equipped ambulances mevcuttur.Gerek president of the university affiliated educational, research and application of treatment and examination, the patients were referred to hospital.
Address Pamukkale University Campus 20020/DENIZLI Incilipinar
0 258 212 5555 Switchboard Phones
Fax: 0 258 212 5531

 Date of Denizli
Denizli city, 6 km from the city for the first time today. north of the village, was founded Eskihisar. This city MO (261-245) between the Syrian King II. Called on behalf of his wife founded and led by Antiyokustheos LAODICIA izafeten. After the Turks zaptettikten vicinity of Denizli, where plenty of water in the city today naklettirmişlerdir Kaleiçi district.
On behalf of Denizli, has been shown as another name other than historical sources. Serciye Seljuk court records and registries of Denizli (Ladik) gives the name. Ibn Battuta or Travel (Tunguzlu) is called. Mesalikullebsar'da or (Tunguzlu) is recorded.
By namesini Timurlenk'in victory, decided to forgive Ser Zemdi (Tenguzlug) and (Tonguzlug) mentions two names, such as. The word means the former Turkish Naval Tense. Denizli is the current imlasıyla Tunguzlu. As a result, the name of Denizli, Tunguzlu Tunguzlu words and word of mouth over time, Ontario has taken its present shape for making the word.


BC 4000

BC 3000 - 2000
The first Bronze Age

BC 2000 - 1200/1100
Middle Bronze Age and Late Bronze Ages

BC 1800
Supply Association of Denizli in the hunt to be Sayasal

BC 1200
Sea People migration

BC 1100
Collapse of the Hittite state immigration Sea People

BC 546
II.Kiros Achaemenid king's kingdom of Lydia, eliminate

BC 360
Hellespont, Mysia, Lydia, and Caria satraplarının bass authority, uninstall the center of Persia

BC 334
With the province of Denizli Anatolian campaign of Alexander the Great put an end to the effectiveness of Persia

BC 246
ll.Antiokus's wife during a visit to Laodikeia the establishment of the city of Laodicea

BC 188
Rome, Pergamum, The Peace Pact of Seleucid

Muaviye'nin expedition to Cyprus

Görülmeleri Turks for the first time in Denizli

The conquest of the Turks in Denizli

Into the hands of the city of Byzantium

Arslan l.Kılıç conquest of Denizli

Denizli again into the hands of the Byzantine Empire

Crusaders pass Denizli

Denizli, a Crusader army under the command of Frederick Barbarossa to pass

Again into the hands of the Turks in Denizli

Drug seizures in the management of the Turkmen in Denizli

Denizli Denizli is dominated by

1300 - 1368
Denizli sovereignty İnançogulları

Denizli is again dominated by Denizli'ni

Into the hands of the Ottomans in Denizli

Timur's getting the city to give back to Germiyanoğulları'na

Precise in Denizli is dominated by the Ottoman Empire

Rustic School was first opened in Denizli

The establishment of the first municipality in Denizli

İzmir-Aydın railway, made an agreement for the extension until Sarayköy

The change in management Sarayköy Denizli, Buldan and making a banner attached Tavas accidents

Connecting to starboard Kazası'nın Denizli Play

Acıpayam Kazası'nın, Ontario connected to starboard, to agree an extension until Sarayköy Dinar railway line

Denizli "Independent Mutasarrıflık" making

March 22, 1919
Refusal to attend a board gathered in Izmir, Denizli Congress of Annexation

April 25, 1919
A tip on the board of the Istanbul Government, headed by Prince Abdurrahim Efendi sent to Denizli

May 15, 1919
Yunanlılar'ca occupation of Izmir on organizing a protest rally in Denizli

May 16, 1919
Organizing a rally to protest against the Greek invasion Tavas'ta

May 17, 1919
Organizing a rally against the occupation in Çal

May 29, 1919
Denizli is the establishment of the League of refusal of annex

June 8, 1919
The National Front, the creation of a Kuka-yi Sarayköy

June 10, 1919
The establishment and creation of the Nationalist front Denizli Mayor Sarayköy

August 3, 1919
To make observations in Denizli, Istanbul Government to send the Gendarmerie General Commander Ali Kemal Pasha

August 7, 1919
Denizli Mutassarrıfı Faik Bey sent a telegram to the Ministry of Interior, Kuka-yi rejected the command of the Nationalists distribution

August 18, 1919
Separation of the Sivas Congress delegates to participate in the city of Denizli

January 12, 1920
Faik Efendi and Emin Bey, gathered in Istanbul to attend Parliament as member for Mebusan'a Denizli

June 21, 1920
Moses Çopur flashes gang Çivril

July 5, 1920
Buldan and CALs into some villages of the Greeks

July 8, 1920
Plug-in Demirci Mehmet Ali EFE EFE men killed in Denizli

July 9, 1920
Mehmet Demirci into Denizli EFE, EFE Socket Ali held responsible for the death of 60 people öldürtmesi

July 29, 1920
Commander Lt. Col. Nazmi 57.Tümen ive come to Denizli as acting governor

January 18, 1921
Of occupation of the Greek Çivril

April 1, 1921
A second occupation Çivril suffered

August 30, 1922
With the rescue of the Greek occupation of large offensives Çivril

September 4, 1922
Liberation from the occupation of Buldan


Faculty of Education:

Forming beginning of our faculty was founded in 1957 in Denizli School Girls Teacher. Then, the converted school Denizli School of Education, 2547 Higher Education of Dokuz Eylul University Faculty of Law baglanmistir.Bünyesinde Elementary, Turkish, Fine Arts, Educational Sciences, Physical Education and Sports, Computer, and Inst. Technology holds the parts.
How to find us partance: garage II. Commercial walk out. 'Pamukkale University Take dolmuslarina. Dolmus comes to campus.
Station from the train Gar'indan II. Commercial walk out. 'Pamukkale University Take dolmuslarina. Dolmus comes to campus.
Phone: 258 212 55 55
Fax: 258 212 55 24

Faculty of Arts and Sciences:

History of the Turkish Language and Literature, Archaeology, Art History, Western Languages ​​and Literatures, Geography, Philosophy, Psychology, Sociology, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics provides education and training departments.
Phone: 258 213 40 30

Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences:

Dated 03.07.1992 and numbered 3837 founding of the university organizational structure envisaged in the law faculty of Business on 26.02.1993 and on 21.03.1994 in the Departments of Economics açilmasiyla started teaching and training. Academic year 1994-1995 from Business instructional program, academic year 1997-1998 from the Economics Teaching Program,

2000 - 2001 academic year approximately 1,000 student population açilmasiyla unique property of Public Administration program. During this period, 124 students have graduated from our Faculty Academic year 2000-2001. 2001-2002 academic year the Department of Public Administration and Finance Evening classes of 50 students will be accepted in the normal academic programs with. Education programs in the 48 students, assistant professors and 13 research assistants beginning with a team of faculty as of 2001 five professors, two associate professors, 8 assistant professors, 8 instructors and 56 research assistants reached a total of 79 lecturers and professors.

Master of Science program is carried out at 4 in the faculty. Doctoral programs in Business Administration joint project scope STEP alacaktir.Fakültemizde intensely academic and scientific activities are carried out at the same time the university used in scientific activities, with a capacity of approximately 200 people, data and Internet connection with projection-equipped conference hall. Academic year 2000-2001 as the first panel of academic staff and students in this hall, 10 conference, seminar and 4 Recital 6 is done. Computer lab with 20 Pentium III computers and a capacity of our students are given hands-on computer and accounting courses.
Business, Finance, Public Administration, International Relations, Economics, Labor Economics vr Industrial Relations, provides training in parts of Econometrics.
Phone: 258 213 40 30

College of Engineering:

Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Engineering Academy of Denizli in the year 1976-1977, the Ministry of National Education Directorate of Public Education is a part of building and civil engineering machinery Parts started teaching and training. In 1979 the private Çamlik Çamlık College moved to this building and the building and taking along müstemilatlariyla etmistir.1982 continue teaching in education with the establishment of Dokuz Eylul University, Architecture and Engineering Academy of Denizli, Denizli Dokuz Eylul University Faculty of Engineering as a continued education and training activities . Denizli is inadequate buildings throughout DEU Faculty of Engineering Faculty of Engineering, approximately 1000 acres of land was expropriated for the Kınıklı outskirts. This made land on the Civil Engineering Department in 1990, moved to the building. Dean of the Faculty of Engineering Campus, Denizli DEU Çamlik since 1990, the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering Department Kınıklı campus foundations of education and training services continued in 1992, Pamukkale University.

Sills DEU Faculty of Engineering in 1992 with the establishment of Pamukkale University, Pamukkale University Faculty of Engineering continued with the name of education and training activities. Since the establishment of two sections (Machine-Construction) continued its activities in education faculties, Engineering Geology 1994-1995 academic year, academic year 1995-1996 in the Food, Electrical, Electronics and Textile Engineering student taking academic departments continued to serve. In addition, six chapters, which at the Faculty of Engineering of four (Machinery, Construction, Electrical, Electronics and Food Engineering), University of section yapilmaktadir.Pamukkale foundation of secondary education with the opening of new departments at the Faculty of Engineering and the increase in the number depending on the instructor has made enormous progress with the education and training services. Also present are the academic departments by increasing the possibilities of the laboratory. Faculty of Engineering, where parts of the region is needed taking into account the need for technical staff and student almis opened, students will receive in the future and has started working since 1994 to prepare the structure of the lower sections.

Faculty of Engineering, University-Industry cooperation on this issue believes the faculty has been working great. Denizli, a growing number of organizations and nearly a billion dollar export industry and commerce, with the state tax provided that the fourth, respectively, live in Turkey in the economic field, is one of the most dynamic and fastest-growing cities. For this reason, institutions of education are great role. PAU., Faculty of Engineering teaching in the ongoing education to meet the needs of the region, especially Turkey's shining star of alumni engineers Denizli industry continues to provide a large flow of information.

Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Enüdstri Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Computer Engineering, Technology, Engineering, Geophysical Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Textile Engineering, Food Engineering, reserve divisions to train the required manpower.
Phone: 258 212 55 32
Fax: 258 212 55 32

Faculty of Technical Education:

38 375 under the law dated 03.07.1992 on the Faculty of Pamukkale University Faculty of Engineering of the University Campus building kurulmustur.Fakültemiz continuing acts of administrative divisions. Benefited from the Faculty of Engineering classrooms.
Still renders its faculty in the Department of Mechanical and Computer Education Department of Education, including continuing education and training etmektedir.Makine two sections of the Department of Education Automotive Education Teaching 1 st class 31, 2 class 32, Department of Electronics and Computer Education Electronic Teaching 1 class 31, 2nd 30, are available, including 124 students.
Department of Mechanical, Electrical Training, Eloktronik and Computer Education, Construction Training, Textile Education, Printing Education, Metal Education, Furniture and Decoration Education provides training departments.
Phone: 258 213 75 74
Fax: 258 211 00 98

Medical School:

Depending on the Dokuz Eylul University Faculty of Medicine in Izmir in 1987 attending the 'Denizli Medical School' was established in 1992 with the establishment of yiilinda Üniversi'nin Pamukkale, depending on the university to provide training and continued education in İzmir. 4.5 and 6, since the academic year 1996-1997 classes began accepting students in Denizli. Sees all the classes from the education and training in 1999-2000 in Denizli. Faculty of Medicine of the education and training 1) Education-Practice and Research Hospital, and 2) continues Building Morphology: Education-Practice and Research Hospital, doctors used to be an active 110-bed capacity Street, consists of two buildings with four operative FOOD. The first building-bedroom units, Emergency Department, Anesthesia and Intensive Care, Neurosurgery, intensive care units, delivery rooms, endoscopy, urodynamics, radiology, nuclear medicine, Liyazon, Pharmacy, Administrative Units, includes dining and meeting rooms. In the second building clinics, situated in the Central Processing Unit and Patient Labrotuari.
The campus is situated in the area of ​​Building Kinikli'daki Morphology. The building consists of two blocks. Blog Education Dean's Office and administrative service units, problem-based learning (PBL) rooms, presentation halls, libraries and other educational support areas, which included Labrotuvarlarin laborutuvarlari block with Basic Medical Sciences Department of Pathology, education and research take place. In addition, the Heart Center at the campus Kınıklı came into service in 2002.
Basic Medical Sciences, Internal Medicine, Surgical Sciences offers education departments.
Phone: 258 213 29 40
Fax: 258 213 28 74


Institute of Science:

Dated 03.07.1992 and numbered 3837 the Institute established by law at the University of Pamukkale. There are currently teaching in the Fall Semester 1994-1995 baslamistir.Enstitünün its own independent building. A separate section has been operating within the Faculty of Engineering. Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Arts Faculty of Education classrooms and practice areas and are used jointly.
The existing activities of the departments and graduate education institute, performed by members of the faculty.
Address: summerhouse Mah. Faculty Cad. No: 30 (in the Faculty of Engineering) DENIZLI
Phone :0-258 212 55 40
Fax :0-258 212 55 79

Health Sciences:

Dated 03.07.1992 and numbered 3837 the Institute established by law at the University of Pamukkale. Fall Semester 1996-1997 Biostatistics, Biochemistry, Public Health, Department of Microbiology student taking the branch started operations. Branch of the Department of the fall semester of 1997-1998, Public Health Nursing, Departments of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Department of Anatomy 1998-1999 spring semester, academic year 1999-2000 the branch of the existing department of Physical Education and Sports, Physiology, Medical Biology and Biophysics , the addition of Histology and Embryology in the Department a total of 13 educational activities are ongoing.
Phone: 258 265 53 00
Fax: 258 265 52 19

Institute of Social Sciences:

The Institute was established by Law No. 3837 dated 25.02.1993 and the law, a temporary 23 § 5 Presidency of the Board of Higher Education dated 26.02.1993 under paragraph B.30.0.EÖB. dated within the law has been established with the Pamukkale University. 3 Institute Graduate Program in 1993 and started education with 23 students.
Phone: 258 213 40 35

Food of Denizli
-Local Foods:

Denizli, takes the traditional meal types and dietary habits. Cat eyed pea soup, lentil soup, tomato soup, dry bean soup, tarhana soup, soup ovmac indigenous species, such as soup. The main cup and close meat dishes, stuffed kumbar, vinegar meat, chickpea and meat, Roasted stuffed arm, liver, stuffed hair rumen.

There are many types of food cooked eggplant with vegetables oluşturur.Özellikle basis for Denizli cuisine. Dry stuffed eggplant, eggplant, etc., such as pancakes. Tarator bean salad, midwives gümeci salad, salad sprout salads species peculiar to the region.
Pastry and dessert types of features seen in the Aegean Region. Dough, the word şipit, the ekmekledir bazdırma homes. Eaten before bedtime eating habits is one of the region "Die Yacht bread" is. In winter, millet, kavurga, walnut, chestnut, type the kinds of fruits, cucumbers, melons, watermelon is eaten.

-Local Food Recipes and Features:

As our region, showing the changes of local dishes as well known but some of the characteristics of residential locations given below.


Bond is made of fresh leaves collected, the leaves are chopped into small pieces. By adding the oil is boiled. Then cooked with rice and meat. Poured on the yogurt.


On dry beans, and wheat is added to boiled butter, salt, pepper and water after being cooked in water until it is.

-Flour Soup:

Tomato sauce, fried in oil. Flour, fried oil roasted. Enough water, salt, pepper Boil edilirek. Hot drink.

-Millet Bread:

Corn flour sufficient amount of salt, water is added and kneaded. Then cook on a sheet. Brush with butter on top while hot, put cheese on top is eaten. Chopped millet bread eaten in cold milk and cold.

-Buttermilk Ufaklaması (Doğrameç):

Turned into buttermilk by putting salt into the yogurt. Cut the corn into bread and eaten with a spoon. With cayenne pepper and tomato salad is delicious.


Wheat, corn, bean, peas and beans boiled .. Into the ground red pepper, black pepper, salt and boil put .. Reduced to less juicy after cooking. Is served. On top of almonds, walnuts nuts are eaten with a spoon put break. For special occasions and guests a fun and meeting a child's first tooth görüldüğümde cooked and distributed vesilesidir.Acıpayam region. In addition, the children cooked and distributed to charity.

-Tarhana soup:

Write-dried tarhana prepared and dissolved in some water. In a pot, fry tomato paste, oil, minced garlic on top was added and stirred until boiling after adding enough water, well boiled, then eaten hot.

-Abdominal (Mumbar) Stuffed:

Rice, ground beef, black pepper, cumin and salt, as prepared stuffing mix. Plenty of water is added to the mixture. Lamp with the help of a funnel or bottle filled with the mixture mumbarın mouth. the addition of water is boiled in a pot until done and let cool. Serve hot. Sliced ​​and fried in butter and eaten with the cooled filling.

Pickled Denizli:

Peppers, green beans, cucumbers, tomatoes, a tin or jar is placed in the sky. Vinegar or lemon juice over the salt brine is added. Garlic pickle is ready to peel after a while into the atılır.Kabın kapatılır.Bir tightly.

-Eggplant Kebab:

Saute cubed meat in a saucepan with butter, tomato paste are added and cooked. After peeling eggplant sliced ​​and chopped in a separate place of fresh, fried in oil. Eggplants frying pan tiled. The meat cooked is placed on aubergine. Over Decorate with tomatoes and green peppers. Put salt and pepper. Baked in the oven.


Boil a pint of salt water. Water began to boil, flour enough to be sprinkled into the joins. While doing this, on the other hand quickly with a wooden spoon flour mixed with water, the mixture is fed to each other thoroughly. The mixture is stirred constantly until it forms a thick custard. Added to the heated oil in a pan and a little red pepper. Adding the flour mixture is served with red oil pot.


Thoroughly cleaned and salted lamb biberlenir all. Into and out of tomato paste is diluted slightly by applying finishing. Put into the oregano to taste. Lamb prepared wood burned through a pile of cinders placed on stakes erected on fork. Turning occasionally, until meat is cooked well done and let cool. Swinging from a pit dug into the cooking process, meat can be achieved.


Ayse women gathered fresh beans, washed, cleaned and placed in a pot of soil. By adding enough water is put some potatoes on top. Covered with a few leaves of fresh pumpkin, placed on a stone to make weight. Pişirinceye fire kept up. Cooked, drained and the water is taken from the fire. Turned upside down and poured onto a tray. Exchanged over the potatoes, roasted peppers, and eaten with salt ekilir.Soğan.


Cooked in the high regions, especially in winter seasons. With hunting animals, meat or chicken is done. Chicken and game meat is cooked thoroughly. Spicy sour dough is kneaded and cooked in a rich gravy. Cooled by pouring a large URL. Opens in the middle of the dough, meat, watery soup is put here. Kaşıklanarak bought and eaten soup spoon the dough.

-Meat translate:

More common in the region of the Babadag and Sarayköy. Sheep fat is cut backs. These oils are rubbed with spices lined up a bottle kept in a cool place for a while. Rub chopped onion with tomato sauce. If embers on the coal, oil swelling has lined up left to cook. Oil began to flow pişerek yufkalara well impregnated with the pressing. Continue this process until oil is thoroughly küçülünce. Then, thoroughly impregnate the thin dough served with sauce and onions on trays.

Eggplant with Yogurt-bury:

Char-grilled eggplant cooked peeled. Cooked in oil again. Put the yogurt in a separate bowl of crushed garlic is added into the .. Aubergine cooked in oil mixed with yogurt on top .. Drizzle melted butter over. In the hot spring onions, watercress, parsley, mint, chili fries, eaten with fresh peppers.

-Meat Kapaması:

Usually a kind of a meal pişiririlen region of Babadag. Sheep, goat or lamb, chopped into small pieces, tomato paste and scrub. Garlic, onions and potatoes, cut into small pieces, all stuffed into a pot. Closed with a frying pan over and put in saucepan and cook over coal fire upside left. The free edges of the pan with rice or water may be added if desired also be cooked with rice .. Shut off the hot meat, served with side salad.


Meat of sheep or goat meat is part of the rib. Beef rib bone, separated from the flesh opens. The bone between the rice and meat, black pepper, red pepper and spices and put meat sewn closed. Then putting it into a pot is left to cook by adding little water and salt. After cooking, are served as hot as the eaten. This dish is usually made in the villages of our county and castle.


Since Central Asia is one of the national dishes keskek. Most are made in accordance with procedures Keşkek Babadag. Meshed with the main substance of the meat-fat goat or ram Keşkek wheat. Usually performed at weddings, this recipe 750 people. 40-45 kg. goat or ram until the fat meat, 30 kg. crushed white wheat, 2 kg. butter. Wheat in a large boiler, another normal heat for cooking meat in the boiler is started. Occasionally wheat is mixed and cooked meats are roasted slowly added to water. After the bone is removed and separated meat is cooked thoroughly and completely cooked thoroughly crushed and added into the wheat and cook, stirring for a while. Then fried in butter in a frying pan .. On paprika are added. After putting on the plates and drizzle Keşkek. Eaten with pickles or salad alongside.

-Gındıra Soup:

Extracted and cleaned in hot water is boiled before gındıra. Boiled and then separated from the bark. Boiling water is added to oil-roasted onions. In addition, plum, sour and salt involved. Eaten after boiling for ten minutes more. Gındıra soup, usually delicious and abundant C vitaminlidir Çameli is being done in our region. Also be mixed with wheat and rice also pilavlarına Gındıra.

traditions of Denizli
WEDDING and Holidays

Towns and villages, local food and table manners Denizli old customs and traditions often continue to draw the rules. Families, meeting around a table large batches of food eaten. Must respect the elders at the table.

Some villages will continue the tradition of eating in bulk. Preparation for public hunting, women do men organize their day in the neighborhood. Meals prepared in batches of meat brought to the end of hunting prey eaten. Establishing a local food meals in winter, the neighbors also respect each other, in the tradition of collectively pursue adabım table.

Military service will recruit young people to come Çağman, undergoing various accidents, deaths and births for the dining tables are arranged in the religious rules.


Arranged marriages are with our environment. Informs the family of men who like inspiration, favorite daughter of the family elders, "Allah commands the Prophet KAVL" * tion in the daughter's family wants.

If you are a brand new girl at heart side. In fact, one must believe that side of the engagement before the girl goes to both sides must believe the contract. Engagement is passed after the wedding preparations. Both sides agree on a specific date for the wedding. Weddings are usually done in the fall. Because the products are now removed from the field, cut meat animals developed at the wedding. It takes three nights in the region of the diagnosis is delayed Çameli wedding. Some of today * s wedding ceremony in the form of a ball or they are yapılıyorlarsa minority. Usually weddings starts Friday evening, Sunday evening ends. Sometimes it ends on Thursday evening, starting Tuesday night.

Grabbing the first day of the wedding day. This day is a step that was organized for young people are grabbing the race. These days the house of the boy playing the drums, the guests entertained. Folk Songs it is said that the local games are played in front of the drum. Burned in a fire in front of the house on days when the appropriate season, games played around the fire. This is called a fire torch. Fun at grabbing the girl's home on the day-'er done. Come and joke with his friends, guests are entertained at the same time oynaşırken.

The second day of the wedding day of henna. Today is the ceremony of burning step henna. A girl's house with the boy's house this day, accompanied by drums gündüzünde broiler animal, used in hosting guests * their compensation sugar, oil, wheat, such as the kinds of foodstuffs keskek goes. Plays drums for a few hours in front of the girl's house, the boy was coming home food! coffee houses in the 'drink.

Henna instrument from his home in the afternoon the boy and girl from the house * goes to the bride's trousseau. Dowry is installed on the car to the sound of the drum slowly, the boy arrives at his house. Now the boy's house to the left and right koşuşan there are women of great joy. Brought by the girl's dowry, women, women who are covered by the boy's house. Dowry from the bride will sit with the boy placed in the home. Then the home side dishes eaten uğurlanır and girls.

Henna is a very joyful night, the boy home. Welcomed the guest * s dining tables Okularla wedding. Instruments are played, songs are said. Or the dinner table in front of the torch in the room where young people and families who want to play. Then burn away the henna ceremony takes place. Yumuludur a groom's hand. Young people and bridesman form a ring, this ring drum (around), replaces the one side. Air starts with henna henna ceremony. Karılan plate next to the groom's best man carrying the henna.

Ongoing disruptions henna air brings great enthusiasm here. Interruptions also plays drums, lithe weather, all the young people around the drum circle play local games.

At the end of the ceremony the best man; (c'mon groom sticks his palm açtıralım) says. All relatives of the groom's parents, including this call are collected around the ring. They gathered to help groom some money. Called all the relatives of the groom and groom young colleagues in the order. My Help everyone makes after one's heart. Groom palm-limit opens, henna yakımına begins. And the henna ceremony ended.

The girl's house with henna henna girl burned in a large hall or the garden. Come and arakadaşlar, bridal delbek girls in front of the (local name delbek rhythm instrument) play merry games. Converted into money playing girls. This is especially the son who wanted to marry annel * er carefully watch the games. Mothers prospective brides in their hearts! enter into the selection effort.

Distributed to the girls henna night contest. Come and go to girl's house with close friends. Room in one of the toes of the bride and the bride's henna is also burned in the hands of her girlfriends.

The third day of the wedding, "Let's take" days. Meanwhile, the groom dressed damatlıkları. 12:00 to 13:00 hours the boy home, and ranks girl's home, the groom goes to a big crowd. All exits from dining guests, set up tables, drums player, games are played. In the meantime, has been prepared point. Goes to the groom's father and beech beech validesinin kisses his hands. Holds the hands of the bride and the bride's father will deliver damadına. Retinue groom and bride moves towards his car, point the way air plays drums. Participants in wedding expenses together towards cars.

Meanwhile, a young bride's car or near the bride's younger brother entered the bride's car. As soon as the car of a kind. The bride does not allow the car to ride. Relatives of the groom into action to resolve the issue. They asked the boy's intentions. but his intentions are clear. Tipping does not accept the money offered to people who wish to take. Bargaining is done, the groom at the end side of the decision rendered by the presence and bahşişte. Goes in the car, along with the bride and groom take the bride's car. Clear by the girl's family car, a wedding convoy attached to each participant.

Bridal car, especially a young man with a flag carrying havaları playing the game moves. Cars come in behind the car and other participants in the convoy moves towards the boy's house. Everyone arrived in the bridal procession of cars goes down the boy's house, the bride and groom in the car alone remains. With all the enthusiasm of the young player and start playing drums again. Bride and groom to start a new life, the thrill of the wait to end the games. In the meantime, the best man and groom are invited to the game. Groom and his friends play games zeybek and local. Participants in the wedding anymore viewer. Young players show a bit in the sense of abilities and coşkuludurlar yiğitliklerini.

These games will continue until the air blackens. Finally, by entering the word together in a resting person, that last phase of the wedding ceremony, the bride and groom should be left alone! recalls. Participants in the drum stops, and the wedding cars, the boy leaves the house slowly.

Wedding has now ended. Founded by two young men began to long for a new nest chimney. Bag of salt was the groom's neck. Geçincemeler good ....


Holidays as well as society is divided into two sections. At the same time a portion of these religious festivals celebrated in the whole Islamic world. Eid ul-Fitr is celebrated for three days, the Feast of Sacrifice is celebrated for four days of religious beliefs and traditions celebrated in accordance with the rules drawn. Their families to visit cemeteries, one day before the religious holidays. Aid increases. They visit the elderly close relatives during Eid festival day.

Certain turning points in history, symbolized national holidays. According to the rules set by the administration of our people attended the National schools, and is celebrated with ceremonies. To shed light on important events in recent history * s future is expressed.

Турции Денизли по развитию туризма информация

сосновая роща сосновая роща свадебный зал свадебный зал Денизли вводной презентации города Денизли презентации
Площадь: 11,868 км ²

Население: 750 882 (1990)

Правил дорожного движения: 20

Денизли известный с петухами, имеет богатую историю и культуру. Денизли, Иераполе, и Лаодикии, Триполи, античные города, горячие источники и во всем мире с его травертин Памуккале, который является уникальным и необходимо посетить для туристов.


Районы Денизли, Acipayam, Akkoy, Бабадаг, бобы, Bekilli, Beyağac, Бут, булдан, Play, Camel, Арбур Çivril, Южная, Но, замок, Sarayköy и пород с Serinhisar.

Beyağac: 94 км от центра города. находится на расстоянии к югу от провинции. Благодаря своей природной красоте, тому, чтобы стать важным центром туризма в будущем. Известный как Eagle Lake стоит посмотреть природные красоты черные сосны в регионе, которые 1265'i возрастов. Статус этих деревьев были редки и монументальные деревья, регион был объявлен природным заповедником парк.

Булдан в Денизли 46 км от центра города. Район границы впечатляющие жилые Триполи центра.

Юг: 5 км к югу от района. расположены далеко от Южной водопад.

Но: самая высокая точка в районе Эгейского моря, город дает свое название на 2571-метровую вершину горы пик в Хо.

Sarayköy: 20 км от центра города Денизли. есть. Kizildere рядом, Текке, есть курорты Енидже. В ванне спа также в пределах района.

Спас в Денизли
Наименование и место нахождения источников
Желтуха целебной воды / Yeşilyaka-Çivril
Acisu Ilıcası / Özdemirci Город-Çivril
Bölmekaya минеральных / Bölmekaya Village-булдан
Булдан минеральных / булдан
Speedwell Весна / Goncalı Village - Денизли
Сапоги Тепловые / Yenicekent-булдан
Cukurbag Ilıcası / Памуккале-Денизли KSB.
Демирташ Ilıcası / Текке Village-Sarayköy
Природной родниковой воды / Çaybaşı Mah.-булдан
Şanlıalp Gölemezli Спа / Akköy ноябре-Денизли
Gölemezli Спа / Akköy ноябре-Денизли
Gözpınarı Ilıcası / Akköy ноябре-Денизли
Hamamcık Ilıcası / Памуккале-Денизли Ksb.sı
Провал грунта Гейдара Ilıcası / Kaklık-Хо
Ilıcataşı Ilıcası / Beylerli Ksb.-беседка
İNALTI Спа / Текке Village-Sarayköy
Bubacık Спа / Kızıldere
Горячие источники кабины / Yenicekent-булдан
Karahayıt Спа / Katrahayıt kas.Denizli
Karsiyaka Ilıcası / Yenicekent-булдан
Kavakbaşı Ilıcası / Akköy ноябре-Денизли
Kizildere Спа / Kızıldere
Kızılharman Ilıcası / раз-Akköy
Термальные источники Памуккале / Денизли Памуккале Руины
ş.Tepesi Спа / Sarayköy ноябре-Денизли
Tekkeköy СПА / Sarayköy
Лечебные воды Gerence / Нарли Village-Кале
Исцеление Kuşkoru воды / Хисар Village-Sarayköy

 Памуккале университета,
Памуккале университета,

Основание университета Памуккале происходит с Законом № 3837 от 3 июля 1992 года. Организационная структура шесть факультетов, установленном настоящим Законом, который состоялся 5 ноября 1992 года ректор bulunmaktadir.10 колледжей и три учреждения с заданием, до того дня, что образование Докуз Eylul университете на медицинском факультете, техники и образования и профессионально-технических училищ, два факультета и двух В случае высшего образования начали предлагать под названием Памуккале университета. 6 Сегодня, Памуккале университете факультет, восемь колледжей и три института нормальной и второго учебных программ образования, исследований, консультаций и выполняет функции приложения.

Kınıklı Campus, беседка кампуса, кампус İncipınar etketedir продолжить свое образование с трех университетских городках.

Высшее образование и кредитные учреждения общежития жилищных потребностей наших студентов за счет студенческих общежитий общей вместимостью 4150 учащихся будут выполнены. Есть 3 девочки 2 мальчика общежитии на территории кампуса Kınıklı. 4150 в общей сложности 1550 мужчин и 2600 студенток verilmektedir.Yurtlarda подают завтрак, обед и ужин услуги. Предоставление услуг для студентов размещены на территории кампуса, в столовой-кафе строительство 4000 квадратных метров имеются в наличии и состоянии съесть в то же время 2500 студентов столовая, столовая, бильярдная, парикмахерская, парикмахерская, ксерокопирование, портные, ремонт обуви и служил студентов с бельем. Кроме того, каждый блок можно под столовую, цены на продукты питания 3 20% применяется к отсутствующих цен класс ресторана. Профессиональное училище и Школу здоровья Çivril Кадир Çivril Kameroğlu жилищные услуги предоставляемые студентам пользу университета из 75 студентов.

Центральный блюда столовой подготовленный студентами университета ректор потребности питания будут выполнены. Кроме того, студенты в наших школах в нашем районе обеда, студенты, проживающие в общежитиях завтрак, обед и ужин услуги. Столовая каждый будний день с 11:30 до 13:30 часов между служения. Есть четыре вида пищи каждый день. За исключением выбора продуктов питания и содержания питание способствует столовой yararlanılmaktadır.Öğrencilerin диетологи в 7:00 утра до 9 с 23:00 вечера, чтобы подать.

Медико-социальный центр студентов и сотрудников служб здравоохранения. На основе семейной медицины, амбулаторные услуги, экстренного вмешательства, соус, лабораторные услуги, а также малые хирургические вмешательства выполняются в этот центр. Медико-социальный центр, 7 врачей, 7 стоматологов, 4 медсестры, 1 психолог, 1 социальный работник, биолог и двух административных сотрудников и предоставления услуг. С 08:00 до 17:00 в будние дни между часами предоставляемых услуг, и мы видим две части медицинского оборудованные машины скорой помощи mevcuttur.Gerek президент университета аффилированных образования, научных исследований и применения лечения и обследования, пациенты были направлены в больницу.
Адрес Памуккале University Campus 20020/DENIZLI Incilipinar
0 258 212 5555 Телефоны Коммутатор
Факс: 0 258 212 5531

 Дата Денизли
Денизли города, в 6 км от города в первый раз сегодня. к северу от деревни, был основан Eskihisar. Этот город МО (261-245), между Сирийской Кинга. Вызывается от имени своей жены основал и возглавил Antiyokustheos LAODICIA izafeten. После того, как вблизи турки zaptettikten Денизли, где много воды, в городе сегодня naklettirmişlerdir Калеичи района.
От имени Денизли, было показано, как другое название, кроме исторических источников. Денизли сельджуков суд документы и реестры serciye (Ладик) дает название. Ибн Баттута и путешествия (Tunguzlu) называется. Mesalikullebsar'da или (Tunguzlu) записывается.
К победе namesini Timurlenk'in, решил простить Ser Zemdi (Tenguzlug) и (Tonguzlug) упоминаются два названия, такие как. Это слово означает, бывший турецкий морской напряженной. Денизли является текущим imlasıyla Tunguzlu. В результате, имя Денизли, Tunguzlu Tunguzlu слова и из уст в уста в течение долгого времени, Онтарио приняла его нынешнем виде для принятия этого слова.


До нашей эры 4000

До нашей эры 3000 - 2000
Первый Бронзовый век

До нашей эры 2000 - 1200/1100
Средней бронзы и позднего бронзового века

До нашей эры 1800
Поставка Ассоциации Денизли на охоту, чтобы быть Sayasal

До нашей эры 1200
Море Люди миграции

До нашей эры 1100
Крах хеттский Люди иммиграции состояние моря

До нашей эры 546
Царство II.Kiros ахеменидского царя Лидии, устранить

До нашей эры 360
Геллеспонт, Мисии, Лидия, Кария и satraplarının бас власти, удалите центре Персии

До нашей эры 334
В провинции Денизли анатолийской кампании Александр Великий положил конец эффективности Персии

До нашей эры 246
ll.Antiokus жена во время визита в Laodikeia создания города Лаодикии

До нашей эры 188
Рим, Пергам, Пакт о мире от Селевкидов

Muaviye'nin экспедиции на Кипр

Görülmeleri Турки впервые в Денизли

Завоевание турками в Денизли

В руках город Византий

Арслан l.Kılıç завоевания Денизли

Денизли снова в руках Византийской империи

Крестоносцы проходят Денизли

Денизли, войско крестоносцев под командованием Фридриха Барбароссы пройти

Опять же в руки турок в Денизли

Изъятия наркотиков в управлении туркменского в Денизли

Денизли Денизли преобладают

1300 - 1368
Денизли суверенитет İnançogulları

Денизли вновь преобладали Denizli'ni

В руках османов в Денизли

Тимур становится все города, чтобы отдать Germiyanoğulları'na

Точное в Денизли доминируют в Османской империи

Сельские школы был впервые открыт в Денизли

Создание первого муниципалитет в Денизли

Измир-Айдын железной дороги, заключили соглашение о продлении до Sarayköy

Изменения в управлении Sarayköy Денизли, булдан и сделать баннер прилагается аварии Tavas

Подключение к правому борту Kazası'nın Денизли Play

Acıpayam Kazası'nın, Онтарио связан с правого борта, согласовать продление до Sarayköy линии динар железнодорожных

Денизли "Независимая Mutasarrıflık" делает

22 марта 1919
Отказ от участия в совет собрались в Измире, Денизли Конгресс Аннексия

25 апреля 1919
Наконечник на борту правительства Стамбуле, во главе с князем Абдуррахим Эфенди отправлен в Денизли

15 мая 1919
Yunanlılar'ca оккупацию Измира по организации акций протеста в Денизли

16 мая 1919
Организация митинга в знак протеста против вторжения греческого Tavas'ta

17 мая 1919
Организация митинга против оккупации в Cal

29 мая 1919
Денизли является создание Лиги отказ приложения

8 июня 1919
Национальный фронт, создание Kuka-ух Sarayköy

10 июня 1919
Создание и создание националистической перед Денизли мэра Sarayköy

3 августа 1919
Для наблюдения в Денизли, Стамбул правительства направить жандармерии главнокомандующего Али Кемаль

7 августа 1919
Денизли Mutassarrıfı Фаик бей направил телеграмму в Министерство внутренних дел, Kuka-ух отверг команду распределения националистов

18 августа 1919
Разделение Сивас делегатов съезда принять участие в город Денизли

12 января 1920
Фаик Эфенди и Эмин бей, собрались в Стамбуле для участия в качестве члена парламента для Mebusan'a Денизли

21 июня 1920
Моисей Çopur мигает банды Çivril

5 июля 1920
Булдан и лицензий в некоторых деревнях греков

8 июля 1920
Плагин Demirci Мехмет Али EFE мужчин EFE убит в Денизли

9 июля 1920
Мехмет Demirci в Денизли EFE, EFE оправа Али нести ответственность за смерть 60 человек öldürtmesi

29 июля 1920
Командующий подполковник Назми 57.Tümen ив прийти к Денизли, как и.о. губернатора

18 января 1921
Из оккупацию греческих Çivril

1 апреля 1921
Второй Çivril оккупации пострадали

30 августа 1922
С спасения греческой оккупации больших наступлений Çivril

4 сентября 1922
Освобождение от оккупации булдан


Педагогический факультет:

Формирование начале нашего факультета была основана в 1957 году в Денизли Учитель School Girls. Затем преобразованы школы Денизли школы образования, 2547 Высшее образование Докуз Eylul университете юридического факультета baglanmistir.Bünyesinde Элементарно, турецкий, изобразительного искусства, педагогических наук, физической культуры и спорта, компьютерных и ин. Технология имеет частей.
Как нас найти partance: гараж II. Коммерческая выйти. Памуккале университета Возьмите dolmuslarina. Dolmus доходит до кампуса.
Станции с поезда Gar'indan II. Коммерческая выйти. Памуккале университета Возьмите dolmuslarina. Dolmus доходит до кампуса.
Телефон: 258 212 55 55
Факс: 258 212 55 24

Факультет искусств и наук:

История турецкого языка и литературы, археологии, искусствоведения, западные Языки и литература, география, философия, психология, социология, физика, химия, биология, математика обеспечивает образование и профессиональная подготовка ведомств.
Телефон: 258 213 40 30

Факультет экономики и административных наук:

От 03.07.1992 и номером 3837 создании организационной структуры университета, предусмотренных в юридический факультет бизнеса на 26.02.1993 и на 21.03.1994 в департаментах экономики açilmasiyla началось преподавание и обучение. Учебный год 1994-1995 от бизнеса учебные программы, учебный год 1997-1998 по программе обучения экономике,

2000 - 2001 учебном году около 1000 учащихся açilmasiyla уникальное свойство общественной программы администрации. В течение этого периода, 124 студентов окончили наш факультет Учебный год 2000-2001 гг. 2001-2002 учебном году Департамент государственного управления и финансов Вечерние занятия 50 студентов будут приниматься в обычном академических программ. Образовательные программы в 48 студентов, доцентов и 13 научных сотрудников, начиная с команды факультета с 2001 года пять профессоров, два доцента, 8 доцентов, 8 преподавателей и 56 научных сотрудников достигло в общей сложности 79 преподавателей и профессоров.

Магистр программы осуществляется в 4-преподавательского состава. Докторские программы в области делового администрирования совместных alacaktir.Fakültemizde рамки проекта STEP интенсивно учебной и научной деятельности осуществляется в то же время в университете, используемые в научной деятельности, вместимостью около 200 человек, данных и подключение к Интернету с проекцией оборудованный конференц-зал. Учебный год 2000-2001 в качестве первой группы преподавателей и студентов в этом зале, 10 конференций, семинаров и 4 Сольный концерт 6 сделано. Компьютерный класс с 20 компьютерами Pentium III и возможности наших студентов даны практические компьютерные и бухгалтерские курсы.
Бизнес, финансы, государственное управление, международные отношения, экономика, экономика труда VR трудовых отношений, обеспечивает обучение в части эконометрики.
Телефон: 258 213 40 30

Инженерный колледж:

Инженерный факультет, архитектуры и инженерной академии Денизли в году 1976-1977, Министерство народного образования Управления народного образования является частью здания и гражданской части машиностроение началось преподавание и обучение. В 1979 году частный Camlik Camlik колледж переехал в это здание и здания, и взяв с собой müstemilatlariyla etmistir.1982 продолжить обучение в области образования с созданием Докуз Eylul университета, архитектурно-инженерной академии Денизли Денизли Докуз Eylul университета инженерного факультета в качестве продолжения образования и подготовки кадров . Денизли является недостаточным зданий по всей DEU инженерного факультета инженерного факультета, около 1000 акров земли были экспроприированы для Kınıklı окраине. Это сделало землю на Департамент гражданской инженерии в 1990 году, переехал в здание. Декан инженерного факультета Университетского городка, Денизли DEU Camlik с 1990 года Инженерно-механический факультет, строительный факультет Kınıklı кампуса основы образования и обучения продолжается в 1992 году, Памуккале университета.

Подоконники DEU инженерный факультет в 1992 году с созданием университета Памуккале, Памуккале Университет Инженерный факультет продолжал с именем образования и подготовки кадров. С момента создания двух секций (Machine-строительство) продолжал свою деятельность в сфере образования факультетов, инженерной геологии 1994-1995 учебного года, учебный год 1995-1996 в пищевой, электротехнической, электроники и текстильного машиностроения студентов с факультетов продолжал служить. Кроме того, шесть глав, в которых на инженерный факультет четырех (машиностроения, строительства, электротехники, электроники и пищевых технологий), Университет разделе yapilmaktadir.Pamukkale основой среднего образования с открытием новых кафедр на факультете инженерии и увеличение числа в зависимости от инструктора сделал огромный прогресс в области образования и подготовки услуги. Также присутствуют факультетах за счет увеличения возможностей лаборатории. Инженерный факультет, где части региона необходимо принимать во внимание необходимость для технического персонала и студентов almis открыт, студенты будут получать в будущем, и начал работать с 1994 года подготовить структуру нижней секции.

Инженерный факультет, Университет-Индустрия сотрудничества по этому вопросу считает факультете работает великолепно. Денизли, все большее число организаций и около миллиарда долларов экспортной промышленности и торговли, с государственной налоговой при условии, что четвертый, соответственно, живут в Турции, в экономической сфере, является одним из самых динамичных и быстро растущих городов. По этой причине, учреждений образования большую роль. PAU., Инженерный факультет обучения в непрерывного образования для удовлетворения потребностей региона, особенно яркая звезда Турции выпускников инженеров промышленности Денизли продолжает оказывать большой поток информации.

Гражданского строительства, машиностроения, Enüdstri машиностроения, химического машиностроения, электротехники и электронной техники, компьютерной техники, технологии, инженерия, геофизическая техника, инженерной экологии, текстильного машиностроения, пищевых технологий, резервных подразделений для подготовки необходимых кадров.
Телефон: 258 212 55 32
Факс: 258 212 55 32

Факультет технического образования:

38 375 в соответствии с законом от 03.07.1992 на факультете университета Памуккале инженерного факультета университета Campus здания kurulmustur.Fakültemiz продолжающихся актов административного деления. Выгоду от инженерного факультета классах.
Тем не менее делает его факультета на кафедре механики и вычислительной образования Департамента образования, включая непрерывное образование и обучение etmektedir.Makine двух секций Департамент образования автомобильной Обучение образования 1-го класса 31, 2 класс 32, кафедра электроники и компьютерного образования электронного обучения 1 класса 31, 2 30, доступны, в том числе 124 студентов.
Департамент механических, электрических обучения, Eloktronik и компьютерного образования, строительства подготовки, текстиль образования, Печать образования, металл образования, мебель и украшения образования обеспечивает подготовку ведомств.
Телефон: 258 213 75 74
Факс: 258 211 00 98

Медицинской школы:

В зависимости от Докуз Eylul Медицинский факультет Университета в Измире в 1987 году участие в "Денизли медицинской школы» была создана в 1992 году с создания yiilinda Üniversi'nin Памуккале, в зависимости от университета для обучения и повышения квалификации в Измире. 4,5 и 6, так как учебный год 1996-1997 классов начали принимать студентов в Денизли. Видит все классы от образования и подготовки кадров в 1999-2000 годах в Денизли. Медицинский факультет образования и профессиональной подготовки 1) образование, практика и научно-исследовательского госпиталя, и 2) продолжается строительство Морфология: Учебно-практической и исследовательской больницы, врачи раньше активный 110 коек улице, состоит из двух зданий с четырьмя оперативного FOOD. Первое здание спальнями, отделение неотложной помощи, анестезии и реанимации, нейрохирургии, реанимации и интенсивной терапии, родильные палаты, эндоскопия, уродинамики, радиологии, ядерной медицине, Liyazon, аптека, административных единиц, включает в себя рестораны и конференц-залы. Во второй клиники здание, расположенное в центральный процессор и пациентов Labrotuari.
Студенческий городок расположен в районе строительства Kinikli'daki морфологии. Здание состоит из двух блоков. Блог образования Деканат и административных подразделений службы, проблемно-ориентированного обучения (PBL) номера, презентация залов, библиотек и других образовательных областей поддержки, в которую вошли Labrotuvarlarin laborutuvarlari блок с базовой медицинских наук Отделение патологии, образование и научные исследования проводятся. Кроме того, Центр сердца в университетском городке Kınıklı вступил в строй в 2002 году.
Основные медицинских наук, внутренние болезни, хирургические наук предлагает отделов образования.
Телефон: 258 213 29 40
Факс: 258 213 28 74


Институт науки:

От 03.07.1992 и номером 3837 в Институте, установленных законом в университете Памуккале. Там в настоящее время обучение в осеннем семестре 1994-1995 baslamistir.Enstitünün самостоятельный здания. Отдельный раздел работает на факультете технических наук. Инженерного факультета, факультета искусств педагогического факультета классах и практических областях и используются совместно.
Существующие деятельности департаментов и выпускник учебного заведения, в исполнении членов профессорско-преподавательского состава.
Адрес: беседка Mah. Факультет Cad. No: 30 (инженерный факультет) Денизли
Телефон :0-258 212 55 40
Факс :0-258 212 55 79

Медицинских наук:

От 03.07.1992 и номером 3837 в Институте, установленных законом в университете Памуккале. Осенний семестр 1996-1997 биостатистики, биохимии, здравоохранения, отдела микробиологии студент с Начал работу филиал. Отделения Департамента осеннего семестра 1997-1998 годов, государственной Уход здравоохранения, отделы физической медицины и реабилитации, кафедры анатомии весеннего семестра 1998-1999, 1999-2000 учебном году филиал существующего отдела физической культуры и спорта, физиологии, медицинской биологии и биофизики , добавление гистологии и эмбриологии в Департаменте в общей сложности 13 образовательных мероприятий продолжается.
Телефон: 258 265 53 00
Факс: 258 265 52 19

Институт социальных наук:

Институт был создан на основании Закона № 3837 датированных 25.02.1993 и законом, временная 23 § 5 Председательство Совета по высшему образованию от 26.02.1993 в соответствии с пунктом B.30.0.EÖB.,03-801-3576 от в рамках закона была создана в Университете Памуккале. 3 Институт высшей Программы в 1993 году и начал обучение с 23 студентами.
Телефон: 258 213 40 35

Пища Денизли
-Местные продукты:

Денизли, принимает традиционные виды питания и пищевые привычки. Кошка посмотрела гороховый суп, суп из чечевицы, томатный суп, суп из фасоли сухой, tarhana суп, суп ovmac эндемичных видов, таких как суп. Основная чаша и близких мясные блюда, фаршированные kumbar, уксуса мясо, нута и мясо, жареный фаршированный руку, печени, фаршированный волосы рубца.

Есть много видов продуктов питания приготовленные баклажаны с овощами oluşturur.Özellikle основу для кухни Денизли. Сухой фаршированные баклажаны, баклажаны и т.д., такие, как блины. Таратор фасоль салат, акушерок gümeci салат, салат из ростков салаты видов свойственны региону.
Кондитерские изделия и десерты типа функции, присущие в регионе Эгейского моря. Тесто, слово şipit, ekmekledir bazdırma дома. Съеденные перед сном привычек питания является одним из региона "Die Yacht хлеб". Зимой, просо, kavurga, грецкий орех, каштан, введите видов фруктов, огурцов, дыни, арбузы едят.

-Местная кухня и компоненты:

В нашем регионе, показывающие изменение местные блюда, как хорошо известно, но некоторые характеристики жилых помещениях ниже.


Бонд из свежих листьев собраны, листья нарезанного на мелкие кусочки. При добавлении масла кипятят. Затем приготовленные с рисом и мясом. Лили на йогурт.


На сухих бобов и пшеницы добавляется вареное масло, соль, перец и воду после того, сваренной на воде, пока она есть.


Томатный соус, обжаренные в масле. Мука, ​​масло жареное жареный. Хватит воду, соль, перец Отварить edilirek. Горячие напитки.


Кукурузная мука достаточное количество соли, добавляют воду и замесить. Затем варить на листе. Смазать маслом сверху горячим, положить сверху сыр едят. Рубленые хлеб проса ели в холодном молоке и холода.

Пахта-Ufaklaması (Doğrameç):

Оказалось в пахты, поставив соль в йогурт. Разрежьте хлеб в хлеб и едят ложкой. С кайенского перца и помидоров вкусно.


Пшеница, кукуруза, фасоль, горох и бобы вареные .. В молотый красный перец, черный перец, соль и варить положить .. Снижение менее сочным после приготовления. Подается. На вершине миндаль, грецкие орехи орехи едят ложкой положить перерыва. Для особых случаев и гостям удовольствие и Совещание прежде görüldüğümde зубов ребенка приготовления и распространяется vesilesidir.Acıpayam региона. Кроме того, дети готовили и распределенные на благотворительность.


Написать высушенных tarhana подготовлены и растворяют в небольшом количестве воды. В кастрюле, обжарить томатную пасту, масло, рубленый чеснок сверху был добавлен и перемешивают до кипения, после добавления достаточного количества воды, так и вареными, то едят горячим.

Брюшной полости (Mumbar) Игрушки:

Райс, говяжий фарш, черный перец, тмин и соль, подготовленный фарш перемешать. Много воды добавляется к смеси. Лампа с помощью воронки или бутылку с уст mumbarın смеси. добавления воды варят в кастрюле до готовности и дать остыть. Подавать в горячем виде. Кусочки и обжаренные в масле и едят с охлаждением заполнения.

Маринованные Денизли:

Перец, зеленая фасоль, огурцы, помидоры, банку или банку помещается в небо. Уксуса или лимонного сока на рассола добавляют. Чеснок рассол готов чистить через некоторое время в kapatılır.Bir atılır.Kabın плотно.


Соте кубиками мясо в кастрюле с маслом, томатной пасты добавляют и приготовленные. После пилинга баклажаны нарезанные и нарезанного в отдельном месте, свежего, жареного в масле. Баклажаны сковороде плиткой. Мясо, приготовленное находится на баклажан. За Украсить помидорами и зеленым перцем. Положить соль и перец. Запеченная в духовке.


Варить пинта соленой воде. Вода закипела, муки достаточно, чтобы посыпать в соединениях. При этом, с другой стороны, быстро с деревянной ложки муки смешивают с водой, смесь подается друг друга полностью. Смесь перемешивают постоянно, пока не образуется густой крем. Добавлено в нагретое масло в кастрюле и немного красного перца. Добавление смеси муки подается с красным горшок масла.


Тщательно очищают и соленая баранина biberlenir все. В и из томатной пасты разбавляют немного применением отделки. Введен в орегано по вкусу. Баранина подготовленных сжигаемой древесины через кучу золы размещены на ставки установлен на вилке. Что касается времени, пока мясо готовится хорошо сделано и дайте остыть. Размахивая в яме, вырытой в процессе приготовления, мясо может быть достигнута.


Айше женщин собрались свежей фасоли, промывают, очищают и помещают в кастрюлю с почвой. При добавлении воды достаточно положить картошку на вершине. Покрытые несколько листьев свежей тыквы, размещенные на камень, чтобы сделать вес. Pişirinceye огонь постоянно. Приготовленный, истощенный и вода берется из огня. С ног на голову и высыпал на поднос. Обменный на картофель, жареный перец, и едят с солью ekilir.Soğan.


Приготовленный в высокогорных районах, особенно в зимний период. В охотничьих животных, мясо или курица, то сделано. Куриное мясо и игра готовится основательно. Пряный кислое тесто замешивают и готовят в богатом соусе. Охлаждение при заливке больших URL. Открытие в середине теста, мяса, водянистый суп положить здесь. Kaşıklanarak купил и съел суп ложкой тесто.

-Мясо перевода:

Чаще в области Бабадаг и Sarayköy. Овцы жира разрезают спину. Эти масла втирать со специями выстроились бутылки хранить в прохладном месте на некоторое время. Натрите лук с томатным соусом. Если угли на уголь, нефть опухоль выстроились оставил готовить. Нефть потекла pişerek yufkalara хорошо пропитаны актуальным. Продолжайте этот процесс, пока масло полностью küçülünce. Затем, тщательно пропитать тонкого теста с соусом и луком на лотках.

Баклажаны с йогурт, похоронят:

Углях баклажаны приготовленной очищенных. Приготовленные в масле снова. Поместите йогурт в отдельной миске чеснок добавляют в .. Баклажаны, приготовленные в масле смешать с йогуртом на вершине .. Полить растопленным сливочным маслом старше. В жаркое лука, кресс-салат, петрушка, мята, перец чили картофель, ел со свежим перцем.

-Мясо Kapaması:

Обычно вид региона еды pişiririlen Бабадаг. Овцы, козы или ягненка, нарезанного на мелкие кусочки, томатную пасту и кустарников. Чеснок, лук и картофель, нарезать мелкими кусочками, все чучела в банке. Закрытое со сковороды и положить в кастрюлю и варить на уголь огонь вверх влево. Свободные края кастрюли с рисом или водой могут быть добавлены по желанию также приготовленные с рисом .. Отключить горячую мяса, подается с салатом.


Мясо мясо овец и коз является частью ребра. Говядина ребро кости, отделенный от плоти открывает. Кость между рисом и мясом, черный перец, красный перец и специи и поставить мясо сшиты закрыты. Затем положить его в кастрюлю осталось приготовить, добавив немного воды и соли. После приготовления, подаются так жарко, как едят. Это блюдо, как правило, в селах нашей стране и замок.


Поскольку Центральная Азия является одним из национальных блюд keskek. Большинство из них сделано в соответствии с процедурами Keşkek Бабадаг. Мешхед с основного вещества мяса, жира козла или барана Keşkek пшеницы. Обычно выполняется на свадьбах, этот рецепт 750 человек. 40-45 кг. козу или барана, пока жир мяса, 30 кг. измельченной белой пшеницы, 2 кг. сливочного масла.

Turkiya Antalya Alanya Tourism

251 pieces of our county facilities certified by the Ministry by the end of 2006, 37 200 rooms, 78 886 beds, 385 units certified by the council facilities, 20 187 rooms, number of beds for a total of 55 690 pieces of 636 facilities, 57 387 rooms, each bed has 134 576.

The historical and natural beauties of Alanya tourism started to attract attention long after 1960 years. In those years, yet unable to mass tourism has become one of the popular destinations for tourists traveling individually. Until the 1970s, including the city's east and west coasts of the bed there were a few tourist attractions motels and not exceeding 1000. After the mid 1970s has experienced a revival in domestic tourism.

This revival led to the development of the county of guest house. Due to the demand of local people living in a city their home during the summer months of residence, including apartments tended pansiyonculuna. Turkey also began in the 1980s as a result of structural changes and economic policies, and especially after 1983, important developments took place in the tourism sector as in any field. After 1983, with the transition to free market economy brought tourism incentives and tourism investments in the face of increasing tourist movement has gained a great speed. Again, it has greatly enhanced the vitality of the region began in the movement of mass tourism. This aspect of the mass tourism in Alanya and Turkey has been the starting point.

Tourism investment in the region largely yaralanılsa investment incentives and other regions many times over equity ratio. In addition, state lands as well as other regions in Alanya on the land has not fully realized investments. Yet tourism in those years, architecture, and ecological values, the dynamics of tourism in developing facilities for kavranamadığı clear aesthetic, functional and environmental issues such as could not be considered. However, developing after Alanya, Side, Kemer and Belek regions such as the above-mentioned issues have gained an advantageous situation. First of all, the state allocated a huge part of the land in these regions due to the large-scale installations and commissioning as well as a certain control has been achieved. Environmental, aesthetic, were to the fore, with the use of new materials in architecture and developing tourism in the countries of the world tourism region and the facilities were to compete. The years beginning with the Gulf crisis and the terror and the ongoing difficulties experienced in those difficult years, downloaded from other regions have also affected prices and Alanya, Side, Kemer, Belek centers, such as lagging behind the competition. For this reason so many years of 1990 and the Turkish tourism has been developing rapidly these years later Alanya was faced with a major crisis.

We provide the general framework of the above situation has led to questioning Alanya'lı of the tourism sector in tourism, but problems surfaced due to the density resulted to be addressed individually. From Istanbul to Alanya in Turkey with a capacity of tourism these days, and then reaches a maximum with a center of tourist facilities and the bed is the case. Turkey tourism revenues alone provides a portion of about 10%.

Antalya for summer tourism, especially one that serves the city. Season generally begins in March-April and extends until the end of November. It varies depending on the number of foreign tourists coming to Alanya. In recent years, Christmas or Easter holiday, there is an increase in the number of tourist arrivals. The number of domestic tourists in Alanya, especially during public holidays and schools to increase after the close of June to July and lasts until the end of September start of the school. A large part of the local tourists choose Alanya yazlıkları, while the decrease in the number of foreign tourists, especially in terms of tourism because of the reduction in accommodation rates which has become a savior.

Introductions to the region within the organized tourism in Alanya ALTAV abroad to promote tourism services in Alanya and began participating in tourism fairs. In these studies, fairs, printed materials to be distributed during the calendar Alanya and Alanya brochure has been prepared and participate in overseas trade fairs. Alanya is the purpose of promoting international activities in the field of sports as introductions to the exhibition is of great importance.

When it is in Spain Bullfighting comes to mind, such as Golf Tourism in Alanya and Antalya created created Triathlon, Swimming Marathon, Beach Volleyball and Beach Soccer events such as TVs broadcasting sports channels located in the international tourism in Alanya. Football camps are also a feature done in Alanya, sports infrastructure. Studies and literature to pass the internationally recognized while allowing a large camp of soccer clubs, the sport also will serve the development and promotion.

Alanya has experienced a big boom in tourism facilities developed over the years. The number of beds certified facilities, municipal facilities, the Ministry of Tourism in the document left behind four years. As tourism in Alanya, the first studies to determine the occupancy rates of accommodation Information System (Konbis) was created. 2 years, there has screening facilities, street by street in Alanya. Tourism Operators Association businesses, hoteliers and Pansiyoncular Room, Chamber of Tradesmen and Artisans, Alanya and Town Municipalities and the Ministry of Tourism with information extracted from all the businesses according to the inventory of facilities and information about Tourism Companies only be used for statistical information by going to guarantee the path is determined by giving a monthly occupancy figures Facility Occupancy rates have not been identified this year.

Alanya's tourism income values ​​used in the calculation of the Central Bank's Tourism Revenue used in calculation of the values ​​between the years of 1991-2000 values. Ministry of Tourism research has not tourism income after the year 1991, the Central Bank has used research and values. In 2002, construction begun again by the Ministry of Tourism and State Institute of Statistics "Departing Visitors Survey" results started to be used.

Examined the number of tourists coming to Alanya last 10 years increased the number of tourists in 2007 reached the maximum level, and most tourists are seen coming year is recorded as the number of tourists exceeds the maximum level reached in 2005 are compared to previous years. In 2005, approximately 1465 thousand tourists from tourists arriving by the crisis of 1999 is seen to be 1.5 times. Looking at the total tourism income in total income for 1999 was more revenue by 343.7%. Tourists coming to Alanya per thousand in 2005 compared to 2004, it spent 28 percent more money left approximately $ 1380 million. Looking at the average per capita expenditure of tourists from tourists in 1993, has realized the highest figure.

Until 1998, approximately 54 German tourists can see that from the 100. After 1999, this ratio fell below 50% and 38.35% reduced to. Especially in the last 5 years the number of tourists coming to vacation community of independent states experienced an increase of 100 people from the 22.5 percent consisted of tourists from CIS. Sitting in 3rd place with tourists from the Netherlands by 3.7% to 7.3% of Austrian tourists declined to order 4.cü.

In recent years, while there was a reduction in the number of tourists from Scandinavian countries, the number of tourists increased exponentially from the French and Polish. The most interesting development is that the number of tourists from Poland yaşanmasıdır a complete blast. The number of Polish tourists visiting Antalya in 1996, while only 566% over last year 2005 16 012 90 628 tourists such as the giant picked up and reaching a rate of 1.3% from the tourists' reputation formed.

Alanya is a tourism service that brings tourists to hotels, motels, travel agencies, which are also important. Rather TÜRSAB and Alanya travel agents Travel Agents Association operates under the name of the central agencies and branches can be categorized into two different agencies. 242 Alanya travel agency in 2005, served as the Central and branch. Rent A Car This only serves a part of travel agencies.
To gain a Tourism Center of Alanya, which is important, such as Saklikent and declared as a Tourism Region Akdağ Ski Center, unfortunately, to this day, nor yet a positive work was completed in what way.

Tourism centers in our district:
   26 402 which was published in the Official Gazette dated 13.01.2007 and No. 5571 on Intellectual and Artistic Works Act, Travel Agents and Travel Agencies Tourism encouraged by the Law and the Law 27 and 28 of the Law amending some laws Additional materials included with the 5355 numbered Law on Local Government Associations, and a temporary 3 Article 1 Arrangements have been made concerning the establishment of the Tourism Infrastructure Associations Article.

1-Alanya Incekum Tourism Center
2-Alanya Çenger Tourism Center
Alara Brook 3-Saharan Tourism Center of Alanya
4-West of Alanya Tourism Center
5-Alanya Akdağ Winter Sports Tourism Center
6-Alanya Akseki Tourism Center

Presentation Antalya Turkey


Area: 20 723 km ²

Population: 1,978,333 (2010)
Of this population, 1,392,974 thirds provincial and district centers, 585 359 'u live in villages.

Geographical Location: Antalya province, southern Turkey, a tourism center in the central Mediterranean coast. North of Burdur, Isparta, Konya, the east of Karaman, Mersin, was in the west are the provinces of Mugla. The south, surrounded by the Mediterranean. Length of 630 kms off the coast of the Turkish Riviera in Antalya.

History: "Attalos Dormitory" means Antalya, II. Was founded by Attalos. The end of Pergamum (133 BC) the city remained independent for a while, then passed into the hands of pirates. BC Part of the territories by the Roman commander Servilius Isauricus at 77. BC 67 Pompeius was the navy base. A.D. 130 provided for the development of the city to visit Hadrian's Attaleia'yı. Bishop center during the Byzantine rule in the name of the Attaleia, after passing into the hands of the Turks have shown a great improvement. The modern city was founded on the ancient settlement, the ruins of antiquity are very rarely encountered in Antalya. The first of the visible ruins of the old harbor is described as a portion of the port and harbor surrounds mendireğinin component. Hadrian's Gate in the restoration of parking on the outside walls of Antalya is one of the most beautiful ancient monuments.

The city of Antalya and its surroundings in the ancient times, "very efficient", which means Pamphylia, Lycia was called in the western part. BC VIII. those who migrate here from the shores of the Aegean Sea, the West a century, Aspendos and Side set up cities. II. King Philip II of Pergamon who ruled in the mid-century. Attalos, Side, and surrounded it. Approximately 75 km from Antalya. Side east of the king who can not, come to where the current city center has established a city. Attaleia here giving his name was called. Atalia in time, There were people Adalya. Antalya, its name comes from.

Archaeological excavations in the Antalya region, today inhabited 40 thousand years ago and has been proven. Region since 2000 BC, respectively; the Hittite, Pamphylia, Lycia, Cilicia, such as city-states and Persia, Alexander the Great and his more considered Antigonos, Ptolemais, Seleucus, Pergamum was managed. Later, the Roman Empire, ruled. Pamphylia was the ancient name of Antalya and was founded here, especially II cities. and III. century golden age. V. lost its former glory in the right century.

The region known as the Eastern Roman or Byzantine Turkey, under the domination of, participated in the Turkish territory by the Seljuks in 1207. Anatolian principalities era came under the dominance of the Teke tribe, which is a branch Hamitoğulları'nın. Teke Turkmen, Turkmenistan Turks in the former homeland of the population today is one of the largest sizes. XI. is here a part of the century. Today, with the north of Antalya, Isparta and Burdur lakes region that are part of a name in the Teke region. Depending on the province of Anatolia during the Ottoman period Teke sanjak center, now the center of the province of Antalya. In those years, the banner was called Teke here. If the current name of the province is actually a slightly altered form of the name in ancient times, and given the Republican period.
XVII. The famous Ottoman traveler Evliya Çelebi Antalya in the second half of the century, the castle, and three thousand houses in the four quarters, 24 quarters indicates that outside the castle. Dışındaymış bazaar of the city in the castle. According to Evliya Çelebi, the harbor, the ship will be 200 pieces in size. The administration of the Teke Sanjak center of Konya and Antalya connected, regardless of the final years of the Ottoman empire was brought into the flag.

Old City, destroyed a large part destroyed and surrounded by a horseshoe-shaped inner and outer walls. Walls, Hellenistic, Roman, Byzantine, Seljuk and Ottoman periods is the work of a joint. There are 80 towers and walls. There are about 3,000 houses within the walls with tiled roofs. Characteristics of the houses of Antalya, just give an idea about the history of architecture, but also the lifestyle of the region, reflects the best traditions and customs. In 1972, the inner harbor and the Old City neighborhood, because the original texture of "real estate and Monuments of the Supreme Council of Antiquities," by the "protected zone" has been protected. Ministry of Tourism ", Antalya Old City Complex" due to restoration work, April 28, 1984 FİJET (International Travel Journalists Association) was awarded the Golden Apple Tourism Oscar. Today, Old City hotels, pensions, restaurants and bars, has become the entertainment center.

Old Houses of Antalya: very hot summers and mild winters are very cold in the construction of old houses in Antalya passes, the sun is important to ensure the prevention and coolness. Gizzards and courtyards shaded features that facilitate the flow of air. On three floors with entrance hall, acting as a warehouse and has been established.

Fluted Minaret: the structure of the first Turkish Antalya. The center is close to the harbor. According to the inscription on the reign of the Anatolian Seljuk Sultan Alaeddin Keykubat (1219-1236) was built. The body, made from bricks, consists of eight half-cylinder. If the minaret of a mosque adjacent to this must be destroyed. Because the later period the mosque next to the minaret, belong to the year 1372. Hamitoğulları the time a Turkish principality, made by an architect named Tavas Balaban.

Ulu Mosque also known as Broken Minaret. V. In fact, a basilica century was built. Works have survived the first few episodes, changes have taken place in the Byzantine period. The work had been repaired during the Ottoman period, used as part of the Mevlevi, then opened it as a mosque.

Karatay Madrasah: Islamic buildings in the city center is an important Turkish XIII. century, was built in the middle.

Han is the house: 20 horses and camels provided transportation until the early century, trade in goods nakledilirdi these animals. The caravans on the roads, "Han" and the caravanserais konaklardı. Here is one of them Han house. Road leading north from Antalya is superior. Today the black road 1 km from Antalya-Korkuteli. 18 km to the east and the city center. drive away. Part of the pointed arch portal that attracts the most attention. XIII. made early in the century the Seljuk monument.

Kırkgöz Han: Antalya - Afyon second stop on the old path Kırkgöz Han. Han Kırkgöz 30 km from Antalya. Located Kırkgöz'den, Pınarbaşı locality. Is very robust.

Duden Waterfalls: Approximately 10 km from Antalya city center. This waterfall in the northeast, the city symbolizing the wealth of nature. Poured from a height of 20 meters. The main source is the seat of Kırkgöz. The way to Lara Beach in the Duden Waterfalls. Southeast of the city center, 40 meters above the sea poured occured from cliffs. Emblematic natural wealth of Antalya.

Lead Waterfall: 24 Alanya road east of city center 7 km from Isparta entered the path of th km turnoff. accessible after. This natural wonder is one of the most visited places. Waterfall is like a fairy tale come out of the land. Deep in a lush valley. Approximately half an hour walk around the navigable all. Many fish living in waters of the ponds formed from place to place. It also attracts attention with its rich fauna. Duden, Leaded and Manavgat waterfalls, many Turkish film was used as a venue. In all of them can easily go by bus.

Lara - Lara Beach: 10 km from Antalya city center. center to the east of the natural wonders of the west coast of Antalya Lara Beach, Lara Beach and the city's most beautiful coasts.

Perge: 18 km east of Antalya, Aksu parish nearby. Cilicia - Pisidia on his way to take part in trade is an important city in Pamphylia. Coincides with other Pamphylia cities Agency (VII century BC). Perge was an important city for Christians. St. Paul and Barnabas came to Perge. Some important monuments such as the ability to bring Plancia rich Magna here. The first excavations at Perge was initiated by the Istanbul University in 1946, the theater, stadium, colonnaded street, Agora of the city remains have been found.

Karain Cave: 27 km from Antalya. northwest of the remains found in Karain Cave within the boundaries of Yağcılar Paleolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic, and Alexander the Great. This cave is a must-see places.

Ariassos: Antalya-Burdur highway 48 kilometer, 1 km from turnoff to the left one returned. inside is. One is founded on the mountainside, the baths, in terms of rock-cut tombs are worth seeing. The city's most majestic ruins of the city of Ariassos entered the entrance gate of the valley rises at the beginning. This ancient Roman monument, three arched entrances, and thus is 3, the people of the region, "Three-door," he called. A surprising feature of the city, three-quarters, is extraordinarily impressive ruins of the necropolis of monumental tombs.

Lifestyle: Antalya and its environs, the legacy of centuries gliding lifestyle are two. Immediately they established the first permanent settlement came the Turks, villages, towns and cities have established. As a segment of the population before the arrival of the Turks in Anatolia continued konargöçer life. Semi built-in lifestyle, which means that, according to the family at least 15-20 relative to each other, and sometimes the number of hundreds of families; hair live in tents, in summer from the mountains, called the hot plains in the winter descend in winter quarters. Camels, sheep, animals, trains, such as the products they produce them, changed, or selling products geçinirlerdi inhabitants. Meat, dairy, produce oil, natural hair tents and rugs dokurlardı kökboyalı. Smaller areas of overwintered cereals, vegetables would be even planted. Even at the rear of the Ottoman army konargöçer large groups (tribal, carving) of patients.

Turkish rugs adorning the most important museums in Europe today, it is the Light of the people of handicraft. A large part of the cultural heritage of folk music today konargöçerlerden. Apprentice, such as the Turkish folk poetry and music, the greatest troubadours Dadaloghlou, representatives of this culture. Themselves to continue working life I've always been built in rural villages, "Indians," such as to modify the parlance, you go to a village settled nomads collectively "It's nomad village" of such characterizations may say, in almost every part of Turkey. However, stretching back to ancient times, people in this way emphasizes the difference in this life, they all have the same root, and Turkish. Different from each other and do not look forward to a wealth of originals see.

Today, Turkey is the best adapted to modern life, providing a contemporary, one of the countries using the best technology. But both nostalgic and cultural value, life continued for thousands of years continues, a few small groups remained konargöçer today. Does not exceed the numbers a few hundred people. A sad way, that life style was just camels. Fall your way in the summer Belek, Manavgat and Alanya is adorned camels carrying tourists will see the bell çıngırdaklı. Since then these camels souvenir. In addition, local and foreign tourists in Kemer and Antalya Kumluca still serving in the way you see the nomad tents. Semi-nomadic shepherds tents has the appearance of a museum, and buttermilk pancakes you can eat. Type the local people of Antalya, even today, when it finds opportunity in Gombe, spurge, such as the highlands from Alanya. This tradition is an ancestral memory. Snow in winter and stored in some districts, such as the Taurus Mountains, Alanya wells, lowered the center of town in August, was brought from the mountains, you'll see sold by peddlers turned into syrup. This is just one of the ancient traditions still nomads.

Local foods: nomads traditionally the foundation determines the foods derived from livestock and wheat. Along the coast, but inland a little wheat production of fresh vegetables and dried vegetables weight wins. Antalya tourist hotels and restaurants that line the entire world cuisines can be found. But local dishes are unique to the region include: Hair roasting, Tandoori kebab, Kölle (wheat, beans, chick peas and fava beans boiled), Tomato civesi, grant, arapasi

Climate: Mediterranean climate is dominant in Antalya, mild and rainy winters, and summers are hot and rainless while.

Transport: Road, air and sea transportation are provided. Antalya airport is open to international air traffic.

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